We as consumers often take the latest trends in technology for granted. We expect it out of our favorite tech brands: Apple, Samsung, Google, etc. It’s like surfing to us. We know that eventually a new swell is coming, so until it does, we wait. And once it arrives, we take it and ride.
It’s easy to get caught in the ebb and flow of technology, because there is constantly a new industry trend stirring in the horizon. Unfortunately for the retail security industry, we have to be more proactive than reactive when it comes to catching the latest swells.
Tech trends & how we stay on top:
At VPG, innovation is in our DNA. Director of Engineering, Luke Swartwood, spills the secrets on how to stay ahead of that next wave, “There are two categories to look at when looking to being innovative: what consumer technology is doing and what customers are doing. It’s essential to understand the needs of our customers today as well as what will be required with tomorrow’s next tech gadget.”
Building relationships with our customers is just as important as building relationships with top tech companies when it comes to improving product design and creativity. “VPG utilizes industry experience and customer feedback to help drive product design for easier installation,” said Swartwood. “Our Engineering Department has decades of experience in this industry and designs with the customer experience in mind.” As the leading retail security provider in customization, our customers’ happiness is our number one priority. Our knowledge about today’s technology trends allows us to tackle all security obstacles that come our customers’ way by providing them with the ultimate solution.
VPG is the conduit between technology and retailer.
Stay ahead of the next wave. Reach out to our innovation team today.