Oct 18, 2021 | Industry Innovation, Industry News, VPG Innovation, VPG News
Congratulations! Wade Zhu & Lee Eckert were awarded a U.S. Design Patent! Design Patent D923,451 Merchandise Anti-Theft Bracket covers the design of the high security bracket used for the 2021 Samsung Galaxy Fold 3. Designed, prototyped, and provided to our...
Oct 7, 2021 | VPG Culture, VPG Development, VPG News
Career Fair Last week, HR Manager, Carla Koah, participated in the Career Source Pinellas Career Fair, held at the St. Petersburg College Epicenter in Clearwater. Carla was not only able to network with other organizations and fellow HR professionals, but Carla...
Oct 5, 2021 | VPG Culture, VPG News
Tampa Bay Clays Event VPG’s Dennis Smith, Claude Chazotte, Chris Kelsch, and John O’Bryan showing our support of the community at the 4th Annual Tampa Bay Clays youth...
Sep 28, 2021 | VPG Culture, VPG News
Tampa Bay Rays Game We had a blast at the Tampa Bay Rays game last weekend! It’s always so much fun to go to a Rays game with our awesome...
Sep 20, 2021 | Industry Culture, Industry Development, Industry News, VPG News
What’s going on with the supply chain? Whether you work in a segment of the retail industry or not, you have felt the impact COVID-19 has had on our supply chains. Half-stocked shelves, shipping delays, product shortages, all due to consumer demand and retail...