When you think about the history of consumer electronics, names like Zenith, RCA, LG Electronics, Motorola, Apple, Vizio and Samsung immediately come to mind. In the not so distant past, four of those six companies were based in the United States. Up until the late 1990’s, the US consumer electronics industry was practically nonexistent. Today only two of the aforementioned companies are part of the US consumer electronics market – Vizio and Apple. Together they have led a resurgence with Apple leading the way.
Vizio and Apple use similar formulas for designing and manufacturing products. Concept and design completed in-house then outsource all manufacturing. The time it takes to concept, design and deliver a new product to the consumer electronics market is significantly lower that it was only a few years ago. Apple has had enormous success cannibalizing their own ideas and reinventing products with new innovative features. They have also led the way in predicting the needs and wants of consumers – single handedly regaining a piece of the consumer electronics marked for the United States.
Similarly, Vanguard Protex Global (VPG) is constantly reinventing and designing new products. For example, when a new iPhone or iPad is released, VPG concepts and designs new offerings to keep that product powered and secured before it even hits the display. VPG’s solutions are customizable and are designed to help lift sales by protecting products and enhancing the customer experience by providing retailers secured, powered and protected live demos. VPG’s new G5 tablet solution offers fast setups and easy change outs for quick product merchandising and remerchandising. This allows any customer to easily switch old models for the new ones with minimal setup and practically no down time. For more information about G5, click here.