With the back-to-school shopping kicking into full gear, the influx of customers (and shoplifters) will continue to rise. Does this have you thinking, “Is my store security up to par for the season?” If you have any shadow of a doubt, you need to start weighing all of your options before it’s too late. At VPG, we understand that finding the right solutions for your growingly diverse store is tough as it is; which is why we created The Core.
It’s versatile
From phones and tablets to smartwatches, your store can now look sleek and consistent without all of the obstacles that go into planning your store’s security system. To make designing your security system even easier, the product also has the protection options of high security, electronic security, and mechanical security. It can do it all.
It’s compatible with other products
Due to the feedback we have gotten on The Core family, a sister product was born- The Encore. The Encore, complimentary in design, can secure up to five accessory items on a display and give your store the same consistent look and feel when partnered with The Core. Now, with these two dynamic products, what more could you need?
It’s the best ORC preventative
The Core solution is its own standalone system. Meaning, there is no hassle with line alarm modules and pieces. Everything you will need to secure a device is supplied for you within each Core entity itself.
In high-theft neighborhoods, standalone systems are often beneficial because they provide the most coverage for your store through the application of multiple alarm units. In organized retail crime (ORC) situations, two or more thieves will work your system to steal everything they can in one visit. In line alarm systems, multiple products are secured by one alarm module, which means that all alarm capabilities for that display will be disarmed if a store manager turns off the alarm for one device/unit. If your store is protected by a standalone system such as The Core, all of your devices are secured by their own alarm module giving thieves less of an opportunity to attack.
Contact one of our product professionals to find out more about how standalone systems such as The Core, can provide the ultimate solution for your store.