Jan 25, 2017 | Industry Development, Industry News, VPG Culture, VPG Development, VPG News
You Aren’t Doing Your Research Imagine you are a seasoned shoplifter and you found a method that scores you a new tablet or smartphone 99% of the time. Would you use this method again? Of course. (Why not, right?) If your store’s shoplifting protection measures remain...
Nov 18, 2016 | VPG Culture, VPG Innovation, VPG News
In addition to traditional holidays, retailers will be facing a huge Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday influx this holiday season. According to the National Retail Federation, US retail sales (excluding auto, gas and food industries) are...
May 18, 2016 | Uncategorized, VPG Innovation
Is there a pattern of crime in your area? Years ago, the majority of shoplifters were few and far between but with the rise of the internet and resale sites, the term “shoplifting” has earned itself a more serious name by law enforcement: Organized Retail Crime. ORC...