You Aren’t Doing Your Research
Imagine you are a seasoned shoplifter and you found a method that scores you a new tablet or smartphone 99% of the time. Would you use this method again? Of course. (Why not, right?)
If your store’s shoplifting protection measures remain unchanged after every attack, shoplifters will continue to use a method they know that they can count on.
Every store is individual of one another and poses a unique set of security and theft prevention challenges. The asset protection goal is not to compare strategies with other stores, but to evaluate the risk of the store’s location and to grow with its evolving needs.
Your Staff Is Not Aware
One of the main inspirations for shoplifters is an unaware and unconnected staff. In other words, every staff member should be aware and familiar with the loss prevention strategies the store sets in place and keep them in mind during every day work activities.
Stores should hold regular quarterly staff briefings on what the store’s loss prevention strategies are and what it takes from every team member to maintain them. These meetings should also remind the staff members what the common theft trends are in their geographical area and to give customers prompt attention as soon as they enter the store. Thieves that don’t receive the sufficient attention from staff are more likely to attack.
Your Store Layout Is Not Optimized
Yes, store layout is one of the most overlooked threats to retailers around the world. Understanding how environmental conditions affect human behavior is something researchers in the retail industry have been looking at for decades. The way you manipulate your store layout influences the high traffic areas of your store and also the more secluded, theft-friendly zones. Try to create a floorplan that enhances customer-staff interaction and keeps shoppers out of secluded corners and paths.
Keeping these three circumstances in mind is vital to your store’s success. Asset protection must be treated with the priority that it is in order to keep store profit growing in a healthy direction.
For more information on ways you can improve your loss prevention know-hows, contact one of our asset protection specialists today.