Dec 16, 2016 | Industry Development, Industry Innovation, Industry News, Products, VPG Development, VPG Innovation, VPG News
Is your store located in a high risk community? As we gear up for the last minute holiday shopping, retailers are keeping a close eye on those high-theft items this season. According the 2016 Retail Holiday Season Global Forecast, electronics and electronic...
Nov 23, 2016 | Industry Culture, Industry Development, Industry News, VPG News
With Black Friday just a couple days away, it’s important that your theft preventatives are in order in these final hours. Thefts on Black Friday average about 28% higher than the average shopping day according to an analysis of theft claims over the past few years....
Nov 18, 2016 | VPG Culture, VPG Innovation, VPG News
In addition to traditional holidays, retailers will be facing a huge Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday influx this holiday season. According to the National Retail Federation, US retail sales (excluding auto, gas and food industries) are...
Nov 9, 2016 | Uncategorized, VPG Development, VPG Innovation
“Today I would like to share one of our latest products, The Core CR. After listening to the feedback of our customers and partners, VPG has created a product that will not only compliment other security devices in your store, but will also offer new and...
Oct 28, 2016 | VPG Development, VPG Innovation
Are you more of an independent shopper or do you insist on getting help from a sales clerk? In the retail industry and consumer world as a whole, it’s important to cater to all different types of consumers. For most companies, combining new technologies such as...